More Than Food Variety…Vending Machine Variety!

No two vending machine sites are the same. Everyone likes different snacks, meals and drinks and this is why ACTIVEND offers such a wide range of world-best vending machines for snacks, drinks and combo’s.

You can fill a vending machine with yummy snack food…or  healthy microwave meals and fruit bars…or cold drinks…or all 3!

Our vending machines feature adjustable trays for the maximum number of products to be stored. The trays suit the variety of sizes and shapes of our nationally produced products.

Remote monitoring alerts ACTIVEND to replenish products as quantities are reduced. The eco-friendly chilling and refrigeration technology can create zones set to different temperatures. This ensures that items as different as a muesli bar and can of soft drink are kept fresh at the right temperatures.

We can conserve energy by motor pairing and have one motor run two vending machines. The fully insulated cabinet and door also contribute to low energy use. Energy saving LED lighting keeps the selection looking bright and easy to make your selection.

Our snack, drink and combo vending machines are compact and will go through standard doorways.